Monday 29 August 2011

Day 241 (241 Classes Completed) - Day Off

I feel I have earned a day off tomorrow because:

- I have done at least one Bikram class for 11 days in a row without a break
- Experienced two of the most emotional classes in this stretch where I could not complete the whole series
- Participated in competition training in Kamloops yesterday where I attempted the advanced standing series for the first time. It was incredible to experience and my brain could not even connect to some of the postures. I need to live to be at least 102 years old if I am ever going to be able to express many of the advanced standing series postures!

The more I practice Bikram Yoga the more inspired I become. I had a challenging 6am class today in Kamloops taught by one of my mentors Stephen. It was an honour to receive so many corrections from him.

Time to rest until 6:15am class the day after tomorrow. In the mean time, I will continue to dream about Bikram Yoga!



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