Thursday, 4 August 2011

Day 216 (215 classes completed) - The Plateau Phase

Good Day!

Straight to the point -  I feel like I have plateaued in my Bikram practice. I am 215 days in and although I know I have improved along the way,  I seem to be having trouble getting to the next level physically. By "next level" I mean getting deeper into the postures. However, upon reflecting further over this past week, I realize that although my physical body does not seem to be making progress, I cannot discount the other aspects of my being that are growing. When we consider ones health, I firmly believe we need to look at the whole individual. This whole includes the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and sexual bodies. Although I feel I have plateaued physically, I feel I have made some significant growth in relation to my emotional and spiritual self these past weeks.

In attempts to get my physical body to the next level I am taking the following steps:

1. Starting this blog! I feel the blog will bring me increased motivation both from myself and the support of others.
2. I am going with my friends Iris and Stacey from the Kelowna studio to visit the Kamloops studio on Sunday. We will do the 10am class there and then participate in a competition training session that they hold every week (more about competitions later).
3. I will being doing a "triple" with Stacey tomorrow. By "triple" I mean 3 Bikram classes in one day. Usually the reaction I get when I say this is that I am "insane" therefore if you are thinking that you are not alone. We will be doing the 6:15am, 9:15am & 5pm classes. I do "doubles" on a regular bases but have only completed one "triple" before. I know this might seem extreme but trust me, as long as efficient wholesome nutrition is followed throughout the day - its all a mental challenge.

The following photograph is not a posture but it is significant of my physical plateau phase so I decided to include it. It was taken after I completed a 30 day challenge in Dec. of 2010:

I am now off to play some beach volleyball in the amazing Okanagan weather that has hit! I will then finish the evening with a bowl of oats, lots of water and hopefully off to bed at a decent time - 5:30am comes early!



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