Friday 19 August 2011

Day 331 (331 Classes Completed) - Patience

Today I completed a tough 6:15 am class.  I thought I would be stronger since I had the day off yesterday but I was wrong. It also didn't help that I had been awake since 2 am. I could not sleep. I feel like my life is shifting at a very quick pace right now. With the unknown always comes fear which normally results in stress. Increased stress for me normally manifests by insomnia. Many aspects of my life are currently shifting - work, heading back to school, the season, emotions and spirituality. I must also admit that while lying awake last night I was mainly thinking about one thing - going to teacher training. Right now I must accept that I need to be patient. The training is only offered twice a year - fall & spring. I am choosing not to go this fall as one of my best friends is getting married and the wedding is far too important for me to miss. To be honest, school is not even an obstacle for me anymore. I recognize that my degree can wait to be finished. Everything in me right now is screaming to become a Bikram Yoga Instructor. Although - I must admit I still battle a fear that somehow this is not "good" enough. I am starting to understand more and more where this mindset is coming from. For now, I must trust the process, enjoy working on my 365 day challenge and enjoy learning from all my wonderful instructors. I hope Bikram himself continues to stay in good health as I would not want to miss the opportunity to be taught by him.

Waiting Patiently



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