Monday, 29 August 2011

Day 241 (241 Classes Completed) - Day Off

I feel I have earned a day off tomorrow because:

- I have done at least one Bikram class for 11 days in a row without a break
- Experienced two of the most emotional classes in this stretch where I could not complete the whole series
- Participated in competition training in Kamloops yesterday where I attempted the advanced standing series for the first time. It was incredible to experience and my brain could not even connect to some of the postures. I need to live to be at least 102 years old if I am ever going to be able to express many of the advanced standing series postures!

The more I practice Bikram Yoga the more inspired I become. I had a challenging 6am class today in Kamloops taught by one of my mentors Stephen. It was an honour to receive so many corrections from him.

Time to rest until 6:15am class the day after tomorrow. In the mean time, I will continue to dream about Bikram Yoga!


Friday, 26 August 2011

Day 238 (238 Classes Completed) - A first

It was bound to happen. Up until my 6:15 am class this morning, during my challenge I had not once lied down and sat out from doing postures. During my class this am I lied down through the entire floor series, I felt completely defeated. This defeat was all in regards to my mental body - physically I felt fine. By the end of class I was in tears. In part from feeling so weak and in part from the intense emotions of this week. Tomorrow I will be leaving my job at the YMCA which has played a critical part in me getting grounded since I moved to Kelowna. In 2008 I chose to face the fear of the unknown and sold my house, quit my stressful job as a Paramedic, move from Ontario to BC and return to school to get a degree with the intent to focus on a career where I will strive to empower others to live their most fulfilling life possible. These decisions were made in order to rejuvenate, challenge myself and to hopefully grow in the process. I now know it is time to once again face the fear of the unknown in order to grow.

What an interesting experience my 6:15 am class brought me today.


Saturday, 20 August 2011

Day 232 (232 Classes Completed) - Inspiration

I had a strong 9am class today. I was struck by two sources of inspiration this morning:

I always sleep with my window open. I woke at 6:45 this am just in time to hear our Canadian national anthem for the start of the Apple Triathlon which is part of the Canadian National Triathlon Championships. I am always inspired by the amazing, dedicated triathletes of the community here in Kelowna. The discipline the sport takes is incredible. It is even more inspiring having all the triathletes from Canada and other countries here this weekend for the Apple. I wish them all a strong race!

My second source of inspiration came from one specific guy who was in the hot room today. A few years back he suffered a severe hit while playing hockey. Due to the hit he required some serious reconstructive surgery and had a long recovery. He is once again back to being a strong tremendous athlete. To practice with someone like him reemphasizes for me the strength and potential we have both inside and outside the hot room!

Thanks to the triathletes & "hockey guy" ;)


Friday, 19 August 2011

Day 331 (331 Classes Completed) - Patience

Today I completed a tough 6:15 am class.  I thought I would be stronger since I had the day off yesterday but I was wrong. It also didn't help that I had been awake since 2 am. I could not sleep. I feel like my life is shifting at a very quick pace right now. With the unknown always comes fear which normally results in stress. Increased stress for me normally manifests by insomnia. Many aspects of my life are currently shifting - work, heading back to school, the season, emotions and spirituality. I must also admit that while lying awake last night I was mainly thinking about one thing - going to teacher training. Right now I must accept that I need to be patient. The training is only offered twice a year - fall & spring. I am choosing not to go this fall as one of my best friends is getting married and the wedding is far too important for me to miss. To be honest, school is not even an obstacle for me anymore. I recognize that my degree can wait to be finished. Everything in me right now is screaming to become a Bikram Yoga Instructor. Although - I must admit I still battle a fear that somehow this is not "good" enough. I am starting to understand more and more where this mindset is coming from. For now, I must trust the process, enjoy working on my 365 day challenge and enjoy learning from all my wonderful instructors. I hope Bikram himself continues to stay in good health as I would not want to miss the opportunity to be taught by him.

Waiting Patiently


Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Day 229 (230 Classes Completed) - The Power of "We"

I just completed 5 classes in 72 hours including a double today and yesterday. I am currently sitting at one day ahead since tomorrow I am forced to take a day off due to my work schedule. I did Mon. 5pm, Tues. 9am & 5pm & today 6:15am & 5pm. I also had the pleasure of doing the 9am class on Tues. at "The Cove" resort studio in West Kelowna. It is always a treat going there because the views are breath taking and I feel like I am on vacation. It also allows me to dream of where I might end up someday if I open my own studio - wow, there I said it, the dream is out there to the Universe;) Here are a few pics from the cove:
The Cove (camera fogged up)

The view when doing backbends in my favorite spot by the window

Shani - one of my best friends who has developed an incredible practice!

Throughout these 5 past classes I had a very strong practice. I know this was in part to having a close friend with me in every class. Thanks to Shani, Iris & Jenny from the green! It is reinforcement for me to the idea that we really are stronger when we work together. Not only in the hot room but in our homes, workplaces, society, nation & ultimately universe. For so long I have thought that I didn't need anyone and I am better off all on my own. I am now shifting from this mindset, in a big part due to my yoga practice.

Yoga is powerful - enough said.


Monday, 15 August 2011

Day 227 (226 Classes Completed) - Grateful

After the events that took place in Kelowna yesterday, I am currently overwhelmed by the sense of gratitude I have for everything, including being alive. It may sound dramatic but to have a gang related open fire shooting happen during the mid afternoon right across the street from where I live, has made me stop to think. I know this can happen anywhere at anytime but what if I had been walking to the beach at that time? You just never know. It is a good reminder of why it is important to live in and make the most of each moment, even the struggle. For it is through the struggle we learn and grow. These lessons can also be found in the "hot room". It is the struggle through postures that we learn and grow and get to new levels of that posture.

I had a strong class today at 5pm both physically and mentally. During the second part of awkward pose I went up as high as I have ever gone on my toes, only to completely fall over a loose my balance. "It is the struggle through postures that we learn and grow and get to new levels of that posture". In a future blog I will tell you about how I held the second part of awkward the highest on my toes that I have ever been. Until then, I will keep facing the struggle.

Congrats to my girls Shani & Iris who completed a double today!


Sunday, 14 August 2011

Day 226 (225 Classes Completed) - The Rest Served Me Well!

The rest was much needed. My physical body felt strong today during my 4pm class. The most significant progress to report is that for the first time in my standing backbend, my eyes looked right at the floor. As soon as it happened, I felt fear, got shaky and had to release a bit. The first step is to vision, even if just for a second. For this second will turn into two, three, four and so on, and soon enough, "the eyes will be on the prize".

Short but sweet!


Friday, 12 August 2011

Day 224 (224 Classes Completed) - Emotional Struggle


All I can say is I am embarrassed by my lack of motivation to write over the past week. The past week has been busy, but has also brought some deep emotional struggle. The combined two mentioned factors are most likely the reason I have not been keeping up with this blog. I will recap the past week briefly:

Friday - completed 3 classes in one day and felt very strong!
Saturday - forced to take the day off due to my shift at work not allowing me to get to any classes. By the end of Saturday was feeling some intense dehydration combined with some anxiety over anticipation of my first time participating in the competition training in Kamloops the next day.
Sunday - had the most amazing & inspiring day in Kamloops! Made the trip with my best Bikram bud Stacey: (see photo of Stacey in her amazing backbend!)
While in Kamloops we did the 10am class which was followed by the competition training that started at noon. The instructors and students of Bikram Yoga Kamloops are incredible and I am so grateful they are so welcoming. I will write more about competition training in future blogs as I plan to attend in 2 weeks time.
Monday - day off
Tuesday - double (5pm & 7pm). Tough emotions began this day
Wednesday - took an unplanned day off
Thursday - took a drive and did the 6pm class at "The Cove" resort in West Kelowna. Had a strong class.
That brings me to today. I did another double (6:15am & 5pm) to get me all caught up, well, until tomorrow when due to my work shift I am forced to take another day off. I will actually have close to 48 hours off now until my next class. During this challenge I now consider time off in hours and not calendar days. I suppose I need to do better, don't we all strive to "live in the moment"?
Even though I am facing some huge emotional struggles, I am trying to remain grateful. Grateful that I am moving into to healing the emotional level of my being, grateful that I am able to do this Bikram challenge & grateful for each breath I take, in each moment.

I will end with some tourist shots of Stace and I outside the inspirational Kamloops studio:


Thursday, 4 August 2011

Day 216 (215 classes completed) - The Plateau Phase

Good Day!

Straight to the point -  I feel like I have plateaued in my Bikram practice. I am 215 days in and although I know I have improved along the way,  I seem to be having trouble getting to the next level physically. By "next level" I mean getting deeper into the postures. However, upon reflecting further over this past week, I realize that although my physical body does not seem to be making progress, I cannot discount the other aspects of my being that are growing. When we consider ones health, I firmly believe we need to look at the whole individual. This whole includes the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and sexual bodies. Although I feel I have plateaued physically, I feel I have made some significant growth in relation to my emotional and spiritual self these past weeks.

In attempts to get my physical body to the next level I am taking the following steps:

1. Starting this blog! I feel the blog will bring me increased motivation both from myself and the support of others.
2. I am going with my friends Iris and Stacey from the Kelowna studio to visit the Kamloops studio on Sunday. We will do the 10am class there and then participate in a competition training session that they hold every week (more about competitions later).
3. I will being doing a "triple" with Stacey tomorrow. By "triple" I mean 3 Bikram classes in one day. Usually the reaction I get when I say this is that I am "insane" therefore if you are thinking that you are not alone. We will be doing the 6:15am, 9:15am & 5pm classes. I do "doubles" on a regular bases but have only completed one "triple" before. I know this might seem extreme but trust me, as long as efficient wholesome nutrition is followed throughout the day - its all a mental challenge.

The following photograph is not a posture but it is significant of my physical plateau phase so I decided to include it. It was taken after I completed a 30 day challenge in Dec. of 2010:

I am now off to play some beach volleyball in the amazing Okanagan weather that has hit! I will then finish the evening with a bowl of oats, lots of water and hopefully off to bed at a decent time - 5:30am comes early!


Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Day 215 (214 classes completed) - Why Start Blogging Now?

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read this!

On January 1st 2011 I started a 365 Bikram Yoga Challenge. What exactly does this mean? It means that in the calender year of 2011, I will complete 365 Bikram Yoga classes. For those who may not be familiar with Bikram Yoga, I will save the details explaining the practice of Bikram Yoga for a later blog.

I have gone back and forth as to whether or not I should blog this process. My reasons against it were as follows:
1. Much of this journey is such a personal process, could I be brave enough to share?
2. Would anyone really care to read this?
3. Time. Let's face it. In 2011 I will spend a total of 32 850 min. = 547.5 hours = 22.8 days doing Bikram Yoga. This factor does not include the time getting to and from class. Did I really want to dedicate more time to writing about Bikram Yoga?

The answer is now yes. I had a break through last week that stuck with me and lead me to start this blog. The breakthrough happened while practicing a backbend. I was receiving guidance from our studio owner/director after class on how to go deeper into a back bend.

Backbends are just as they sound. Bending your spine backwards. For us humans this is not a normal position. Especially in this day when technology, high stress and common jobs often keep us hunched over and leaning forward. Further, in a back bend you are compressing the spine & stretching the muscles around the heart. Bending in this unfamiliar way can be very overwhelming, emotional and for myself, "freakin" scary at times.

Our director helped me practice opening up my spine further by standing, bending backwards and walking down the wall (the goal being to one day have my hand on the floor. I was so overwhelmed that when I came up, the first words out of my mouth were "o my goodness, that was so intense, I feel like I couldn't keep my feet on the floor". The director started laughing. I didn't get why she was laughing at the time since I literally felt like my feet were coming off the floor. Upon later reflection - I made a "blog inspiring" body-mind connection. Isn't that what can happen when we open our hearts? We feel "very overwhelmed, emotional, scared and as if we can't "keep our feet on the ground". These feels are especially true for someone like myself who has a tendency to be very guarded emotionally.

I encourage everyone to face the fear of opening your heart to everyone and everything, and one day, maybe your feet will stay on the ground!

Namaste (the light in me honours the light in you)